• dunyanin en kaliteli tutunlerinin uretildigi bolgelerden biri
    ictigimiz cogu sigara virginia tutununden imaldir
  • kuzey guney savashinda, kuzeyde yer almasina ragmen guney tarafindan olan tek eyalet.
  • gerçek jaws'ın dehşet saçtığı yer
  • (bkz: west virginia)
  • state nickname'i "the old dominion" olan eyalet (bkz: kings dominon)
  • nufusun yuzde yirmisinin hukumet icin calistigi, baskenti richmond olan, nereye baksaniz agac ya da orman gordugunuz amerikanin en tarihi eyaleti. her "en eski" gibi en tutuculardandir.
  • bakireşehir, veya diyarbakire olarak çevirebileceğimiz eyalet ve şehir ismi.
  • "el degmemis topraklar" anlamina gelir (virginden geliyor yani dogal olarak*), kuzey amerika'da ilk yerlesilen yer oldugu icindir tabii. isteyen burayi bakireler eyaleti olarak adlandirabilir, ki, dogruluk payi vardir.
  • bir tori amos sarkisi:

    in the lush virginia hills
    they kept her as long as they could
    cause they knew when the white brother found
    white shell beads wrapped around her
    skin - a life giving river - her body open
    as will his hand
    and with a "goodbye" there she goes

    she may betray
    all that she loves
    and even wait for
    their savior to come
    and in some things,
    maybe he'll be right
    but as always
    the thing that he loves
    he will change from her
    sunwise to clockwise
    to soul trading
    still she'll lay down her body
    covering him all the same

    so hundreds of years go by
    (the red road carved up by sharp knife)
    she's a girl out working her trade
    and she loses a little each day
    to ghetto pimps and presidents
    who try and arouse her turquoise serpents
    she can't recall what they represent
    and when you ask, she won't know

    she will betray
    all that she loves
    and even wait for
    their savior to come
    and in some things,
    maybe he'll be right
    but as always
    the thing that he loves
    he will change from her
    sunwise to clockwise
    to soul trading
    still she'll lay down her body
    covering him all the same

    oh virginia do you remember
    when the land held your hand
    oh virginia she will let you back in
    oh virginia you can't remember your name
  • sir walter raleigh tarafindan duzenlenen (ama kendisinin katilmadigi) ingiliz kolonistlerin ilk ayak bastigi topraktir. donemin kralicesi elizabeth l., evli olmadigi ve kendisine "the virgin queen" dendigi icin bu topraklara kraliceyi onurlandirmak icin "virginia" ismini uygun gormu$lerdir. onceleri buna zart zurt eden kralice sonradan hagadende diyerek kabul etmi$tir ve ismi kutsami$tir.
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