8 entry daha
  • bu cemiyet yanılsa yanılsa, kadını kadın erkeği erkek sananlar cemiyeti kadar yanılır. kaf dağının ardında gerçek gün gibi ortada??

    presently my soul grew stronger;
    hesitating then no longer,
    "sir," said i, "or madam, truly your
    forgiveness i implore;
    but the fact is i was napping, and so
    gently you came rapping,
    and so faintly you came tapping,
    tapping at my chamber door,
    that i scarce was sure i heard you" --
    here i opened wide the door; --
    darkness there and nothing more.
    (bkz: the raven)
10 entry daha
hesabın var mı? giriş yap