3 entry daha
  • bob harris: müthiş bir şarkı. benim ayrıca bir duygusal bağım var, bbc 2’de çaldığım ilk şarkı. şahane bir riff’i var, insana hakikaten “hadi başlayalım” dedirtiyor.

    if you start me up,
    start me up
    i'll never stop
    i feel running hot
    you got me reaped
    you gotta go watch out

    you make a grown man cry
    start up a fire with the gasoline
    i wont soothe whatever fllame, flame, shame

    start me up
    if you start me up
    gonna start until it's all you got
    i can't complete
    with the honesty a lover keeps
    if you roughet it up
    if you locked me up
    if you start me up

    ride up the wind at double speed
    i'll take you to place that you'll never say
12 entry daha
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