6 entry daha
  • otuzlar basinda ilk oyku kitabinin elestirmenlerce itin gotune sokuldugu siralarda, gombrowicz hakkindaki ilk olumlu kani g. k. mahlasli bir elestirmence belirtiliyor:

    "up till now we have made fun of everything: the horror of death, various social taboos, ideals and concepts, morality and civilization, but we have never yet been made to laugh at the disquieting depths of our consciousness. gombrowicz was probably the first to choose this subject not for serious study but as an object of cold-blooded sour derision...this brilliant book has been written with acute intelligence and great imagination. it shows an original and outstanding talent. it is both very profound and very shallow. strange that the author should descend so deep down into the human soul just to amuse himself."

    neden sonra, teee 1979 yilinda baska bir elestirmen ortaya ne cikarsa begenirsiniz? g. k. meger gombrowicz'in feykiymis. sesli guldum pic. keske yalniz bunun icin sevseydim seni.
21 entry daha
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