34 entry daha
  • --- spoiler ---

    sadece film boyunca değil jenerik boyunca da güldürmeyi başaran; castingde with, also, also also, diyerek başlayan saçma sapanlığı filmin sonunda oyuncuları tutuklatmaya kadar vardıran yapıt. geyik ısırığı kötüdür.

    her biri ayrı ayrı güzel olan diyaloglar arasında kararsız kalsam da filmin en başarılı diyalogu kanımca şudur (kopi peyst ediverdim filmin sitesinden):

    arthur: how do you do, good lady. i am arthur, king of the britons. who's
    castle is that?
    woman: king of the who?
    arthur: the britons.
    woman: who are the britons?
    arthur: well, we all are. we are all britons, and i am your king.
    woman: i didn't know we had a king. i thought we were an autonomous

    (bişeyler daha konuşuyorlar arada)

    arthur: i am your king!
    woman: well, i didn't vote for you.
    arthur: you don't vote for kings.
    woman: well, how did you become king then?
    arthur: the lady of the lake,...

    ...her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft excalibur from
    the bosom of the water signifying by divine providence that i, arthur, was
    to carry excalibur.

    that is why i am your king!

    dennis: listen, strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis
    for a system of government. supreme executive power derives from a mandate
    from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.

    --- spoiler ---
186 entry daha
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