• havacilik terminolojisinde, ucagin piste teker koyduktan sonra fren yapmayip tersine hizlanmasi ve yeniden havalanmasina verilen isim.
  • ingilizce de soyle boyle, yari yariya yani bir iyi bir kotu, gibi anlamlarda kullanilan obek.
    be touch and go.

    ornek1 hastalik durumu:

    he's in the hospital. it was touch and go for a while, but he is much better now.

    herif sallantidaymis yani, bir kotu bir iyi imis.

    ornek 2 herhangi bir sey icin kullanim :

    it was touch and go ,but our team finally won the game.

    oglum bazen super sayilar caktik ama bazen de ibneler iyi oynadi cakiyorlardi az kalsin, soyle boyle anlami.

    ornek 3 : ali and ayse's romance is touch and go. one day they are not speaking to each other. next day they are talking about marriage.

    adamin bunlarinki de bir iyi bir kotu, takilip gidiyorlar boyle.

    ornek 4 : he's last business was touch and go.

    arkadasimizin isi yari yari imis , bir iyi bir kotu imis.

    ayrica havacilikta ucak inis yapacakken vazgecer, bir terslik filan yuzunden, soyle bir tekerleri degdirir sonra kalkar.
    surtturup vazgecme olayi icin kullanilir.
  • touch and go - emerson lake powell abilerden tum sevenlere gidiyor...

    man in the street, no time to sleep
    no time for nothing no patek phillippe
    pedal to the metal blow by blow
    you're runnin' with the devil it's touch and go

    they're leaving you nothing nowhere to go
    just put you in the corner like an old banjo
    the strings are breaking but you can't say no
    you're runnin' with the devil it's touch and go

    systematic one man show
    you're caught up in the middle where the four winds blow
    no salvation 20 below
    you're runnin' with the devil it's touch and go

    all systems go friend of foe
    it's all dependin' on the dice you throw
    come without a warning like a u.f.o.
    you're runnin' with the devil it's touch and go

    you see this woman on a tv show
    she's drippin' in diamonds from head to toe
    they make you believe it's the status quo
    you're runnin' with the devil it's touch and go

    all systems go friend or foe
    it's all dependin' on the dice you throw
    come without a warning like a u.f.o.
    you're runnin' with the devil it's touch and go
  • ing. uçakların piste inip çok kısa bir mesafe kattetikten sonra tekrar havalanmaları
    pilot eğitimlerinde rutin olarak yaptırılan işlem
  • "straight to...number one" adlı -iç gıcıklayıcı- parçalarıyla ftv'ye sık sık fon müziği oluşturan grup.
  • pisti öp ve uzaklaş da denebilir..
  • durumu sallantıda hastalar için de kullanılan bir terim. (bilinci bir açılıp bir kapnan kişiler mesela) kullanımı da şöle:

    - how is he?
    - he's touch and go.
  • bench press esnasında barı göğüse değdirir değdirmez hafif de sektirerek kaldırma işi. kontrollüce göğüste bir an bekletip sonra kaldırmaya göre bir miktar daha kolaydır. hakkıyla bench yapacağım derseniz bunu yapmayın derler. ama ne bileyim fazladan bir beş kilo basmanın keyfi varken çok dikkate alamıyorum bu tavsiyeyi.
  • bir sylvia plath şiiri..

    sing praise for statuary:
    for those anchored attitudes
    and staunch stone eyes that stare
    through lichen-lid and passing bird-foot
    at some steadfast mark
    beyond the inconstant green
    gallop and flick of light
    in this precarious park

    where vivid children twirl
    like colored tops through time
    nor stop to understand
    how all their play is touch-and-go:
    but, go! they cry, and the swing
    arcs up to the tall tree tip;
    go! and the merry-go-round
    hauls them round with it.

    and i, like the children, caught
    in the mortal active verb,
    let my transient eye break a tear
    for each quick, flaring game
    of child, leaf and cloud,
    while on this same fugue, unmoved,
    those stonier eyes look,
    safe-socketed in rock.
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