• aynı zamanda bir blue heelers bölümü.
  • pioneer albümünden ortalama bir the maine şarkısı.
  • bir sarki olsaydim, bu sarki olurmusum gibi geliyor bana.
    mirildanmali, neselimsi bir melodiyken kederlere dusen, gecmisi dusunup uzulen, hayati anlamlandirmaya calisan olgun sozler, bir yandan hayatin olagan akisi ve sadece bundan bile (ve oldugu gibi hepsinden de) muthis keyif almak...

    some days
    ıt's hard to see the magic in the world
    the mistakes
    of a life drinking wine and chasing girls
    the streets are cold
    the sky is turning gray
    my heart aches
    when ı think about the years that slipped away
    oo oo
    my little summer's gone
    and it's cold in the autumn sun
    sitting in a coffee house alone
    watching people on their mobile phones
    but some days
    everything seems perfectly in place
    and god's eyes
    are staring out of everybody's face
    a desert wind
    the sound of distant trains
    and ı feels just like a kid
    playing in a warm september rain
    oo oo
    my little summer's gone
    and it's cold in the autumn sun
    sitting in a coffee house alone
    watching people on their mobile phones
hesabın var mı? giriş yap