3 entry daha
  • türkçe kitaplara da şans tanımalarını istediğim bir mail de ben attım ve gelen cevap aşağıda. uzun lafın kısası, böyle bir çalışma bile yok amazon'da. yani diyor ki siz mail attıkça biz bu konuyu ele alırız diyor. uzun uzun yazmanıza gerek yok, 2 cümlelik mail atın benim gibi kitabımı türkçe yayınlamak istiyorum gibi, atın attırın ancak bu şekilde gelir.


    warmest greetings from amazon kdp. we hope you're safe and well.

    ı understand that you'd like to publish your book in turkish language.

    unfortunately, we currently do not support turkish as one of the supported languages. ı sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.

    however, ı'm sure multiple authors like you would like to publish in this language with kindle direct publishing and since ı feel your concern is significant and important to several authors such as you, ı am going to pass it to our business team for consideration.

    we definitely value your opinion and will continue to listen and respond to our publishers' concerns. we will make every effort to evaluate the information you have provided, and try our level best to lead it to program changes or enhancements.

    ı'm unable to promise a timeframe for now, however, we are still evolving and feedback like yours motivate us to dive deep and unearth ways and means which helps us in making publishing on kdp a happy experience."
4 entry daha
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